By utilizing CIN Finder by Name tool you can obtain the following details by the input of company
or LLP name:
* Registered MCA Company Name: Latest registered company name as per the MCA.
It provides you with the accurate and up-to-date name associated with the CIN you provide.
* Company Full Profile: Click on the company name to view the latest company registration, directors & charges master data.
The information displayed by the CIN Finder by Name tool is highly authentic and reliable.
We provide the data as available on the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) website, which is a
trusted government authority in India responsible for maintaining company records.
Our tool utilizes the most up-to-date records available, ensuring accuracy and reliability in
the information presented.
No, there are no charges for utilizing the CIN Finder by Name tool.
You can access basic company/LLP information, such as the latest registered name and CIN, without any cost.
If you have a bulk list of company names, we offer a Bulk CIN Search service that allows you to upload the list.
Please visit our bulk search tool to find the struck off status for Bulk List of companies.
Even if you don't have the exact registered company names, the CIN Finder by Name tool can assist
you in finding the closest matching registered names based on the company name you provide.
For example, if you input a company name like "Swati Steel," the CIN Finder tool will search the Ministry of Corporate Affairs
(MCA) database for registered names that closely match the name you provided. It will then display the closest registered name,
such as "Swati Steel Private Limited" along with the corresponding CIN.
The CIN Finder by Name is specifically designed to assist in finding the latest CIN associated with a
registered company name. However, it's important to note that if the brand name differs from the registered
company name, the CIN Finder by Name might not be able to provide the desired result.